Here Comes The Sun
April 24, 2025 starting at 7:30 pm

Here Comes the Sun is an extraordinary musical celebration of a decade of Beatles music. Not an impersonation act, this five-person band of multi-instrumentalist & vocalists from Broadway, Lincoln Center, and the Trans-Siberian Orchestra create a fresh, vibrant, and one-of-a-kind concert experience that celebrates ten years of music from the Fab Four. Bringing to life such hits as “She Loves You” to “Sgt. Pepper’s” and “Tax Man” to “Let It Be,” this authentic group foregoes the wigs and costumes to focus on what’s most important: the MUSIC! HERE COMES THE SUN recreates this deeply layered and multi-textured creative period using the combined efforts of five players switching between various instruments in a modern rock-and-roll experience!