Backstage Jobs
Backstage jobs at VRCFA are occasional in nature based on our rental and production schedule. Staffing requirements fluctuate between needing a couple people to help with an orientation to needing 40-50 people for the load in of a Broadway show. This can be an interesting experience where you can pick up new technical skills.
You may not be called for every show you sign up for, but we do try to use everyone who continues to sign up.
Because we can be fined for not providing sufficient backstage staff, we value people who are both dependable and prompt. When signing up, please make note of the time commitment and whether it might conflict with class schedules or vacation plans.
These openings are also posted on the right side of the bulletin board outside VRCFA Room 103 near the scene shop. It is not necessary to sign up in both locations. The list of people chosen to work on a particular event are posted on the left side of the board. Please do not place your name on that list.
-If you haven’t worked for us before, you will need to go to the university payroll office in Administration Building, Room 016.
-If you are an SSU student with another campus job, this work does not count against the time limit you can work in a week.
If you have any questions, you can call Casey Thornsberry at 740-351-3640 or